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Akron weather info

Meat Goat Dept.

Market Goat Weight Limit: 50-110 lbs.
Market Sheep/Goat Weigh-in: Tuesday 1:00 p.m.
Goat Show: Wednesday 3:00 p.m.

Order of Show
(1) Showmanship; (2) Catch It Goat;
(3) Market Classes; (4) Breeding Classes.


1.) This department is governed by the rules and regulations of the Eastern Colorado
      Roundup. Check rules and regulations for any changes or additions. See Index for
      page numbers.

2.) Goats must be owned and in the continuous care of the exhibitor. Breeding goats must
      be owned and in continuous care of the exhibitor for at least 60 days prior to fair.

3.) Market goats must be weighed and identified with an ear tag at the Market Goat
      Weigh-In date in May, 80 days prior to fair. All market goats will automatically be
      entered into the Rate of Gain Contest.

4.) Meat goats must have their milk teeth in normal positions at time of check-in with
      Superintendent. Any meat goat having lost one or both of the milk teeth will be

5.) Both wether and doe goats will be eligible for entry as Market Goats. Does may not
      be shown in both the Dairy Goat and the Market Goat shows in the same year.

6.) Market goats will be weighed and divided into classes, as appropriate for the number
      of head and the weights of the goats.

7.) Market Goats may be shown in their natural hair coat or slick shorn (with no
      indication of blocking) to the skin above the knee and hock joints, excluding the tail
      switch. Breeding Goats must be in show condition.

8.) Exhibitors are required to have horns tipped blunt (the size of a dime or more) on all
      market goats. Removal or tipping of horns on grounds in NOT permitted.

9.) Breeding goats may be shown with their natural horn, no tipping required. Breeding
      goats must be in show condition.

10.) Exhibitors will be allowed to use halters or collars in the show ring.

11.) No paint, powder or any artificial coloring may be used on goats.

12.) Any goat having any external parasites will be disqualified and removed from the

13.) All market goats weighing 50 pounds and over not over 110 will be eligible for the
      Junior Livestock Sale. Consignment forms must be filled out and turned into the
      Extension Office by the deadline.

14.) Meat goats will be stalled in the Sheep Barn. Exhibitors must provide their own
      wood shavings/chip for bedding. Exhibitors must clean out their stalls before
      checking their animals out on the last day of fair.

15.) All Stall Fees MUST be paid prior to weigh-in.

16.) All market and breeding goats will have assigned pens and must check in prior to

17.) All breeding goats & female market goats must have a scrapie tag.

18.) Base date for computing ages of goats is September 1st.

19.) Underweight and overweight classes will be determined after weigh-in. These goats
      may show but will not be eligible for Grand Drive, Jr. Livestock sale, or shipping.

(Junior Exhibitors Only)

Catch it Class Premiums
1st - $10, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $6

Special Award
Champion Catch it Goat Buckle
Sponsored by:

Catch It Goats will be judged on the following:
Records ...........................................30%
Sponsor Relationship ......................50%
Showring Placing ............................20%


Special Rules:

1.) Catch-It animals are not allowedto sell in the Junior Livestock sale.

2.) In case of a tie in final scores, the following will be used to break the tie:
       a.) Score of Sponsor Relations
       b.) Record Book Score
       c.) Live Placing Score

3.) Members that have selected the breeding catch-it may also show in the junior breeding
     show. Market catch-it animals may only show in the catch-it class.


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Classes will be set up at the discretion of the
superintendent following weigh-in.


1. Underweight Goats - up to 55 lbs.
2. Overweight Goats - over 110 lbs.
3. Lightweight Market Goats
4. Champion and Reserve Lightweight Market Goat
5. Mediumweight Market Goats
6. Champion and Reserve Mediumweight Market Goat
7. Heavyweight Market Goats
8. Champion and Reserve Champion Heavyweight Market Goat
9. Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat

Class Premiums:
1st - $10, 2nd - $8, 3rd $6, 4th - $4, 5th - $2
Champion - $15; Reserve Champion - $10
Grand Champion - $25
Reserve Grand Champion - $15

Special Awards:
Belt Buckle: Grand Champion Market Goat
Sponsored By: TBD
Belt Buckle: Res Grand Champion Market Goat
Sponsored by: TBD

(Junior Exhibitors Only- Must show your own animal)


1. Senior division (14 years and over)*
2. Intermediate division (11,12 and 13 years old)*
3. Junior division (8, 9 and 10 years old)*
       *Age as of Dec 31 of the previous year

Class Premiums:
1st - $10, 2nd - $8, 3rd $6, 4th - $4, 5th - $2

Special Awards:
Awards: Champion Sr, Intermediate and Jr
Sponsored by: TBD
Award: Res. Champion Sr, Intermediate and Jr
Sponsored by: TBD

(Open Class)

1. Tiny Tot (7 and under) - No class premiums, Participation awards may be given.


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(Junior Exhibitors in meat breeding goat projects only)

1. Billy, born after January 1st of current year
2. Billy, 1 to 2 years
3. Champion and Reserve Champion Billy
4. Nanny, 2 years & Older
5. Nanny, over 1 year & under 2 Years
6. Nanny, born Sept. 1st thru Dec. 31st previous year
7. Nanny, born after January 1st current year.
8. Champion & Reserve Champion Nanny
9. Grand and Reserve Champion Breeding Goat.

Class Premiums:
1st - $10, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $6
Ribbons will be presented to winners of 4th and 5th places
Champion - $15; Reserve Champion - $10
Grand Champion - $25
Reserve Grand Champion - $15

Special Awards:
Award - Grand Champion Breeding Goat
Sponsored by: TBA
Award - Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Goat
Sponsored by: TBA

***There will not be a rate of gain contest in 2020 since the original spring weigh in was cancelled.

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This information will be updated annually or as rules and regulations change.
* To Be Determined

** To Be Announced

Template Devlopment Dzines by Sarah Love